Revolutionizing Training Delivery

Training that delivers measurable business outcomes.

Not too long ago, the majority of the training was conducted face-
to-face on location, but that has rapidly changed.

However, the virtual aspect of training that is currently being utilized falls short of expectations.

  • 70%

    B2B sales reps forget 70% of what they learn within a week of training.

  • 80%

    80% of information can be retained after 60 days.

  • 65%

    Retention of information is higher when using video: 65% is retained after 3 days.

Gartner’s research found that sales representatives tend to forget a majority of the information taught during training within a week. But, if the training material is delivered over time using various forms of media, it can significantly improve learning and retention.

Our sales training approach incorporates a combination of spaced repetition, continuous reinforcement, and multimedia tools, including video, microlearning, and assignments. Our virtual sessions are designed to be highly interactive, enabling meaningful discussions and ensuring active participation.

Additionally, our coaching process and 90-day sales achievement challenge complement the training program, leading to real and sustainable transformation in your sales team.

Revolutionize Your Sales Training with Virtual Selling

Our Insight Selling program is tailored to adult learners, with each module designed as a self-contained topic that covers pre-work, classroom sessions, application assignments, and application coaching. We ensure that the training sticks, with a focus on changing behaviors and delivering results.
  • Explore

    Prepare in advance with pre-work that includes micro-learning, videos, and exercises to familiarize yourself with key concepts before the classroom sessions begin.

  • Team up and exercise

    Our program utilizes Compact Educational Units and Multimedia Content to support Techniques to Help Sales Professionals Remember What They’ve Learned. Our Practical Assignments let sales professionals practice using new skills in real-life sales settings, ensuring on-the-job utilization and increasing confidence.

  • Solidify & Implement

    After classroom sessions, micro-learning and videos are used to reinforce new skills and concepts. Application assignments are then given to participants, enabling them to apply what they’ve learned in real-world sales situations.

  • Improve

    Our Application Coaching program takes place between sessions and focuses on improving seller skills, building their confidence, and ensuring accountability for implementing new behaviors on the job.

Our Execution Assurance process ensures that sellers receive ongoing coaching and support to consistently apply their new skills and behaviors, leading to lasting results. Learn more about our approach to sales training.

Empowering Managers in the sales department for Sustainable Results

managers in the sales department play a vital role in ensuring sustainable results and lasting behavior change in sales teams. While sales representatives acquire essential sales skills, Sales managers possess essential coaching skills that enable them to provide support and guidance to their teams. Our approach to achieving sustainable results for sales teams is founded on three key elements.

  • Empowering Sales Managers with Critical Skills

    Our specialized training program for sales managers is designed to enhance their coaching skills and promote accountability. Through our Sales Manager Training modules, managers gain the essential skills required to drive seller action and implement desired changes within their teams.

  • Empowering Sales Coaches for Success

    Our program offers sales coaches critical support and accountability to drive lasting results for their sales teams. Through this program, we empower coaches to effectively
    support sales professionals and implement coaching plans.

  • Driving Sales Habits through a 90-Day Challenge

    To solidify newly acquired sales skills, we guide coaches in launching a 90-day sales achievement challenge for their teams. The key to achieving success is to commit to the challenge for the full 90 days, allowing new habits to take root.

Our Areas of Specialization

  • Changing Buyer Thinking
  • Expanding Key Accounts
  • Optimizing Sales Wins
  • Web Selling
  • Generating Qualified Leads
  • Collaborating for Successful Deals:
  • Time Management and Execution
  • Developing Top-Performing Teams:
  • Driving Seller Motivation and Results

“After evaluating several organizations for virtual sales training, we chose Precise Group for their unique approach. Unlike other programs that only produce short-term boosts, Precise Group offers a sustainable and behavior-changing program. Our pipeline has grown tremendously since we started – in just three months, we saw a 14% increase in pipeline dollars and a 34% increase in the number of opportunities. We’ve noticed significant behavior changes across the team and are thrilled with the results. Thank you, Precise Group!”

John Miller, EVP Sales at PDS


Achieve success like our satisfied clients

Experience the Difference with Precise Group’s Award-Winning Sales Training

At Precise Group, we take pride in delivering award-winning sales results to our clients. We’ve been recognized as a Top 20 Sales Training Company by both Selling Power and Training Industry, among other accolades. When you choose Precise Group, you can trust that you’re getting the highest quality sales training and support available.”

“Discover Precise’s Digital Learning Methodology in Action”

Unlock the full potential of your sales team with our proven Virtual selling training. Our transformational approach to training and behavior change can help you develop the critical skills your team needs to succeed.