Weekly Motivation Videos

Don’t Show ‘Em Your Stress

Remember, showing everyone you’re stressed and frazzled at work isn’t a badge of honor. It’s contagious, counterproductive, and a one-way ticket to Burnout City.

Instead, take a deep breath, keep your cool, and show that you’ve got it all under control. Because let’s face it, nobody wants to follow a frazzled leader. ‘

Plus, the less frazzled you look, the more productive you’ll feel – and your team will thank you for it. Trust me, calm is the new hustle!

🐾 Lessons from the Dog Park: How to Resolve Conflict by Being Selfless 🐾

Ever notice how dogs resolve their conflicts? They sniff, they wag, they move on. Simple, right? But let’s be real—humans aren’t always that smart. The best way to resolve conflict?

Be selfless! Yeah, I said it. Selfless people ask questions and show genuine interest in others. Guess what? It’s hard for someone to be a jerk when you’re showing interest in them. (I mean, it’s possible, but it takes a special kind of talent.

Conflict is usually sparked by self-centered attitudes. When you stop barking about your own needs and start sniffing out what others need, magic happens. Suddenly, people start acting like humans instead of dogs.

So, next time you’re in a spat, remember the dog park wisdom: Be selfless. Ask questions. Show interest. And watch those conflicts fetch a resolution faster than my boy Sammy going after a tennis ball.

Top performing salespeople don’t just rush on to their next task or sales call immediately after completing one. They take 2-3 minutes either in their car (outside sales) or next to their phone (inside sales) to evaluate their performance on that call. They then take notes about what they did well and where they need to improve. Then before their next call, they go back and view the notes they took on the previous call. This habit insures that they aren’t only learning from each sales call, but also improving on the very next one.

By being more PRECISE before, during and after each session, you will find it easier to lead your team towards your vision, mission and objectives. In addition, you will find your team more excited to follow your lead. Make these steps a habit, and you will find yourself surrounded by a team that looks to you as their leader…a leader who leads on purpose, with purpose. To download your own PRECISE Coaching Prep Sheet to use on your next coaching session (and more), go to: http://expertdeliverynetwork.com/Prec…

Have you ever delivered a sale presentation where the prospect or prospects showed almost zero interest in what you were presenting? This usually happens when the salesperson is talking too much but can also happen when the client IS interested but are just being tight lipped about what they think of you and your solution. This video will give you a simple technique that you can use when you are getting that blank stare or radio silence when presenting. In short, it will get them talking!

In this video PRECISE Selling Founder Brian Sullivan will give you simple tip to turn what could be a boring powerpoint presentation delivered over Zoom into one that makes your sales prospect/audience feel like you are standing in front of them in the boardroom. If you deliver a lot of virtual presentations, you need to watch this video.

Dominate Your Next Group Presentation

CLEAR Questions
The Five Questions to Ask on Every Sales Call

THE Two Mistakes of Below Average Communicators

30 Second Thank You Note

7 Steps on Each Sale

Add Stories to Each Sales Presentation

Let the Customer Sell Themselves

Get the Customer to Say Yes…After They Just Said Yes

Ask Deeper Questions to “Kill It” in Sales

The Power of Testimonials and Customer Reviews

How to Choose Happiness Over Complaints

How to Improve After Every Sales Call

Sell the Truth

Write it Right

How to NOT Be Like Everybody Else

Top performing salespeople don’t just rush on to their next task or sales call immediately after completing one. They take 2-3 minutes either in their car (outside sales) or next to their phone (inside sales) to evaluate their performance on that call. They then take notes about what they did well and where they need to improve. Then before their next call, they go back and view the notes they took on the previous call. This habit insures that they aren’t only learning from each sales call, but also improving on the very next one.

By being more PRECISE before, during and after each session, you will find it easier to lead your team towards your vision, mission and objectives. In addition, you will find your team more excited to follow your lead. Make these steps a habit, and you will find yourself surrounded by a team that looks to you as their leader…a leader who leads on purpose, with purpose. To download your own PRECISE Coaching Prep Sheet to use on your next coaching session (and more), go to: http://expertdeliverynetwork.com/Prec…

Have you ever delivered a sale presentation where the prospect or prospects showed almost zero interest in what you were presenting? This usually happens when the salesperson is talking too much but can also happen when the client IS interested but are just being tight lipped about what they think of you and your solution. This video will give you a simple technique that you can use when you are getting that blank stare or radio silence when presenting. In short, it will get them talking!

In this video PRECISE Selling Founder Brian Sullivan will give you simple tip to turn what could be a boring powerpoint presentation delivered over Zoom into one that makes your sales prospect/audience feel like you are standing in front of them in the boardroom. If you deliver a lot of virtual presentations, you need to watch this video.

Dominate Your Next Group Presentation

CLEAR Questions
The Five Questions to Ask on Every Sales Call

THE Two Mistakes of Below Average Communicators

30 Second Thank You Note

7 Steps on Each Sale

Add Stories to Each Sales Presentation

Let the Customer Sell Themselves

Get the Customer to Say Yes…After They Just Said Yes

Ask Deeper Questions to “Kill It” in Sales

The Power of Testimonials and Customer Reviews

How to Choose Happiness Over Complaints

How to Improve After Every Sales Call

Sell the Truth

Write it Right

How to NOT Be Like Everybody Else